Author: 86admin

Aug 23, 2016

Create a Sacred Space

For many, myself included, creating a space that feels sacred at home can be challenging, especially for those of us living in tiny places or those who travel regularly. The trick is to get creative. Have you ever heard the concept that you shouldn’t work where you sleep? The thought is you will inevitably have
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Aug 23, 2016

New To Yoga?

Has yoga crossed your mind? You’re informed it’s a worthwhile practice, but now what? How do you find a studio or know what style that’s right for you? What the heck is Kripalu? Everyone starts in the same boat. It can be intimidating the first couple times, but over time you will be comfortable. Here
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Aug 23, 2016

Eating Right

At an age where one is expected to work dedicatedly, we often end up compromising with our health. While many people would agree that a good fitness regime helps keep such risks at bay, it may just not be good enough. Choosing and following a good and healthy diet can help you there. Even with
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